• Welcome to World Praying Together

    Millions of other Christians praying for each other at the same time.
    This is the home of all Christians around the world, coming together to pray at the same time. We encourage you to tell your friends in your church about this. Be part of a movement of Christians around the world doing this. Increase the power of your prayers, by praying for the same things, at the same time with others. Pray for yourself, family, friends, work, local area, country or world. Pray for at least one minute. Just get started praying.



    Before submitting your Prayer Request,
    we request that you pray for an Existing Prayer first:

    Your Name – First Letter: E
    Gender: Female
    Type: Prayer Request
    Recipient: Prayer For Another Person
    Subject: The World Place Country Region Local Area
    Allows Christians to exist,Allows Christians to share their faith

    I have prayed for this. Continue to submit my Prayer Request



    These are the prayer times, so everyone prays together at the same time:

    Click here if you are having any difficulty zooming into the map
    How does daylight savings work?

  • Copyright © 2021 World Praying Together Contact Us World Praying Together is an Independent Religious Entity